حذاء التزحلق على الأسطح الملساء هو هجين بين حذاء وحذاء التزحلق على الأسطح الملساء. يحتوي الحذاء على عجلات في الجزء السفلي مثل حذاء التزحلق على الأسطح الملساء، ولكنه يتم تصميمه ليظهر ويعمل كحذاء عادي. يتمتع هذا الحذاء بجاذبية وفعالية...
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Roller skate shoes are a hybrid between roller skates and shoes. They have wheels on the bottom, like roller skates, but are designed to look like and function as regular shoes. These shoes have a more casual and practical appeal...
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Kick Speed roller skate shoes were specifically designed for all roller skating lovers. Comfortable shoes with wheels are suitable for running, walking and skating.
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